Your initial consultation with D. Mathew Blackburn may initially feel like something to stress out about, but we work to make the first visit with us a warm and comfortable experience. Whether you’ve worked with attorney’s before, or this is your first consultation with an attorney, there are a few things you can do to prepare that will help us help you in the most efficient way.

  1. Review all the reasons you are requesting help from D. Mathew Blackburn. Write a short, concise list that highlights the reason for the visit, as well as any initial questions you might have. The initial consultation is designed to provide both of us with an idea of how you need our help, so bring your lists and it will help keep us focused on your issue.
  2. Bring all relevant notes and documentation to the initial meeting. If you have received a letter from the IRS, for example, indicating an owed amount, bring the letter and any supporting tax documentation.  If you are planning a divorce, bring salary information and household finance documentation with you.
  3. Understanding the timeframes and setting realistic expectations for the case is very important. Understanding how long the legal process takes, in even the most simplest of cases, should be a priority for the first meeting. We will provide you with a best and worst case estimate of the time we think it will take to complete your case.
  4. Use the initial consultation to get more comfortable with us as your attorney. We pride ourselves on both our customer service skills and knowledge of the law and want us to be able to get along and work well together. During this initial consultation, feel free to ask us questions that you think will get you more comfortable with us as your legal team.
  5. Finally, we will provide you with an estimate for the fees we will charge you for your case. Although things change over the life of a case and your fees may go up or down, we will do our best during the initial consultation to provide you with a good estimate of fees for our service.

Thank you for the opportunity to help you with your case.

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