BOIs for companies that existed before 2024 are due by January 01, 2025. Entities established in 2024 have 90 days and moving into 2025 we’re only going to have 30 days to get them filed.
Give more, tax-free: Eligible IRA owners can donate up to $105,000 to charity in 2024.
End-of-year tax planning tips. If you need a more in-depth analysis go ahead and book a meeting.
Don’t forget to make those annual excluded gifts. You can give up to $18,000 to any person with no gift tax consequences. If you’re concerned about the estate tax the best way to avoid it is to give it away. However with the new administration coming in I fully expect the larger lifetime exemption amount to be extended for some period. It may also be made permanent. We won’t know any of that until January at the earliest.