As an attorney I help people make informed decisions everyday. Obviously a large part of my advice is directly dependant on the law. I use statutes, regulations, and precedent cases to tell people what will likely happen in a given situation. We then discuss how to proceed given this information. However, I also consider a host of other information when advising clients. This information takes many forms: industry specific information, psychology, history, social science, etc…

If you’re looking for a way to improve your skills, gain insight into life hacks, and generally become more knowledgeable about the world we live in and how to maximize your efforts I can’t recommend this book more highly. Tim Ferriss has introduced me to countless incredible people that are at the top of their game whether it’s athletes, business owners, scientists, the list goes on. Most of this information has changed my life in positive ways. The people Tim interviews in the book are world class performers. These individuals look at their skills, the world, and their lives in deeply contemplative, humble, and surprising ways.

I consider this one of my go to books for looking at an issue from another angle and for ways to improve my practice. Tools of Titans reads more like a reference manual than a book you would read straight through. I highly suggest skimming the table of contents and skipping directly to the parts that will help you the most.

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers